
TNI: Commandos | Commandant Promotions

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Recently, Commandos announced the promotion of two new Commandants! The first Commandant was appointed to the vacant position of Raid/Defense Overseer. On July 16, 2024, evilpizzasteve was announced to have been promoted to this role, with his dedication to TNI:C and the long amount of time he had spent as an Officer in the division being major factors for his selection.

Only four days later, TNI:C announced the promotion of a second Commandant. This Commandant was appointed to a new Commandos HC position, Development Overseer. The person who was given this position is o7_Azkaellon, a former director of Commandos who is “directly responsible for the creation of nearly all of TNI:C’s current technology and bases.” Along with Azkaellon’s promotion, a new development-related department led by the Development Overseer has been created. Congratulations, Azkaellon and evilpizzasteve!