[TNI] Intensesnows’, Ragdoll’s, Uhjakedev’s, Wacky’s, Friends’s, and Ed’s Resignations

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Recently, a few very loved Officer/Administration resigned, their resignation messages were the following:
Intense’s Resignation:

Ed’s Resignation Quote:
Hey there Progression, I hope you’re having a wonderful day and an amazing week so far. Today is already the day I’ve feared for a very long time. The day where I sadly have to say goodbye, but for the best. It’s a really hard message to write, but I still wanted to give you all another of my “word walls” before I step down for good and leave my place to the next Progression General who will certainly do an amazing job. As you’ve understood by the start of my message, with my new college and time schedule, I do not have the time and energy to give out for our wonderful focus. I’ve therefore chosen to step down and let someone else who is willing to dedicate their time and effort towards you guys and our amazing focus as I did when I was promoted. I would’ve wished to stay longer since working with you all has been and will always be such an immense privilege to me, but after 2 and a half years here, it is the time for me to move on. Sadly every great thing in life has to come to an end, but I will forever be grateful for what this group has given me and all the opportunities I was given along the way. Thank you to everyone that has worked with me over my time here, and thank you for trusting me with these important responsibilities that I upheld to the best of my ability. Thank you for making this focus what it has been since the start, a family, a home, and a welcoming place for everyone. I will officially be stepping down on Friday. Until then, we’ll hopefully spend some wonderful last days together. One last time, thank you for everything folks

uhJakedev’s Resignation Quote:

hey all, just wanted to pop in here and let you all know that i have given my resignation to crypt & heydude as of today. i have been here for an insanely long amount of time and am really grateful for the incredible projects and amazing people i have had the privilege of working with. this community is ultra special and i really hope to see the continued success of both existing and new endeavours in the coming years. peace out

Wacky’s + Friend’s Resignation Quote:
aight let’s do this one last time As you may have noticed, and probably realized, I’ve been just incredibly swamped with life, mostly due to my school schedule. Truth be told, I did lose interest in this group a while back, but I was hoping to regain some time to really commit to what I wanted to do – that time did not come to fruition at all, and honestly quite the opposite. I enjoyed spending time here, but the chapter in my life where I can be dedicated to groups in any real capacity in any game is over. Thanks everyone, and see y’all around! Now, you may think that would be the end of this message, but it is in fact not. has made the decision to retire alongside me. His reasoning is a bit more complicated, but it boils down to something that we share in common: people that we care about who are still around. The main reason he was sticking around here was because of people like mine, ed, and glave (yes he’s still around but in a vastly different role in TNI). Ultimately, this reason alone was nearly enough, and it’s part of why I’m peacing out as well. [there are also a few other reasons that I will not be disclosing, but that we both cite as major contributors to our retirements] [also yes i am writing this on behalf of wacky] Thank you all so much for being willing to keep us around this long, and we hope for the best for Progression

Ragdoll’s Resignation Quote:
Hi, everyone. As of today, I’ve resigned. I’ve been in TNI for six years, moving from Integration, to Reaper Battalion, to Administrative Colonel, to Director General, to Divisions Administrator, and ultimately to Supreme Admiral, and I’ve decided it’s time for me to move on with my other passions. It’s been an absolute privilege to contribute here and to get to know a number of you, and I hope I’ve made your experience here even a little bit better. : ) The best insight I can give you if you like being involved here or want to be more involved is that you should play into your strengths, do things that make you happy, and recognize that everyone you interact with here might have something to teach you. The beginning of my journey here started with my ability to write and continued thanks to some amazing mentors and people that believed in me. I wish all of you the best of luck in your endeavors here and in life, and I appreciate all those who contribute here. In particular, I’m grateful to my fellows in the Administration, to Inncipium, to ReiAstra, to Atroxiv, to the Divisions Administration, to all my past colonels, to Astrochemistry, to Jhinfestation, and to the Divisions Department, and to anyone else who impacted my time here who I may not have mentioned. I’m not totally sure how long I’ll have my role for, but I’ll stick around for a little bit if anyone has questions or anything else.Oh, and Jacko will be taking over as Divisions Administrator, which he’ll make a formal announcement about shortly. He’ll work with Incc, Rei, and the Divisions Department to provide management and support to divisions.

Please give them all a massive o7. They will all be missed greatly.

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